Convert online and free ODP to PPTX

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  1. Upload file
  2. Choose target filetype
  3. Download file!
convert .odp to .pptx
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ODP files are the standard file format for the "Impress" program from the OpenOffice series. This saves presentations that can be edited afterwards for the program mentioned. odp files are always used when a user does not have a paid Microsoft Office to create the corresponding files: In this case, the free alternative OpenOffice or LibreOffice is used. pptx files are the standard file format for the paid PowerPoint program in the Microsoft Office suite. More precisely, PPTX is the file format from Microsoft Office 2007, previously the ppt format was used. Like the ODP files, the PPTX files are in a format that can be edited afterwards using PowerPoint. A conversion of an ODP file to a PPTX file is usually necessary if users want to make the editable presentation file accessible to a colleague or friend who does not have the same software as the creator. In this case, you have no choice but to convert the file to the other file format. A manual conversion of an ODP file into a PPTX file is not immediately possible or very straightforward, since neither OpenOffice Impress nor Microsoft PowerPoint offer an option for saving in the respective other file format. There are some add-ons (ie extensions for the respective programs), which, however, sometimes have to be paid for and have to be installed manually. Some of these additional extensions bring a lot of adware and advertising with them, which is why it is better to advise against installing them. That is why we offer you a simpler and fully automatic solution: convert ODP to PPTX online with our online converter. The process is very simple: You simply upload your ODP file via your browser, while we do the conversion for you – in a matter of seconds. The advantages are obvious: You save a lot of time, you do not have to expect any additional costs that would be incurred, for example, when purchasing new software or extensions, and you do not need any special technical knowledge.

9.5/10(4 votes)

Guide: Convert ODP to PPTX online

How to convert ODP files online to PPTX
  1. Choose input ODP file
  2. Check target filetype and change if required (PPTX)
  3. Hit the "Start Converting!" Button
  4. That's it! Your download will start automatically on the following page

Currently we support the following conversions with ODP files:

All Converters

Information about the extensions for the conversion from ODP to PPTX

From: ODP

The ODP format, like ODT or ODS, belongs to the group of "Open Document Formats". For example, ODP files are created using Open Office Impress or LibreOffice. The format for presentations corresponds to the Microsoft Powerpoint format .ppt …

File extension: .odp
More information and converters for ODP


The pptx file extension is used by Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 and younger to store presentations. Earlier versions of PowerPoint use the ppt extension. Opening a pptx file launches the PowerPoint software in editor mode. There is another format, ppsx, …

File extension: .pptx
More information and converters for PPTX

Video-Tutorial: ODP to PPTX

File-Converter-Online.com is a service for converting files online from one type to another. We take care of your privacy and take care of your files. As a part of this, there's no registration required on file-converter-online.com. As we're offering our service in a browser, it does'nt matter whether you use Windows, Apple OS X or Linux. Your conversion results will always be at the same, very high quality and of course, without watermarks.

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